Join Us In Romania

Why join us for a mission trip? Because your presence and your touch can ignite a fire in the hearts of the people here. When you come and serve alongside us, you become a beacon of hope and love, showing others the transformative power of Jesus Christ.
Our goal at OLM is to inspire and empower you to make a lasting impact for the Kingdom, both abroad and in your own communities. By witnessing firsthand the needs and the work being done in Romania, we believe you’ll return home with renewed passion and purpose, ready to serve God in even greater ways.
Pray and ask God to reveal to you the importance of your role in His mission. Ask Him to show you how He can use your unique talents and gifts to make a difference among the Roma people and beyond.
Email us to start planning your mission trip to Romania with your church. Let’s work together to bring hope, healing, and transformation to this beloved nation and beyond.
The biggest question we often hear is, “What can I do in Romania?” It’s a great question, and the answer lies in surrendering to God’s leading and allowing Him to work through you. When you say, “Here am I, Lord,” He will begin to reveal the opportunities for service and ministry that align with your gifts and passions.
Every team that comes to Romania with us will have the chance to make a meaningful impact. You’ll have the opportunity to preach in our churches and mission points, share your personal testimonies, and engage in children’s programs to spread the love of Jesus.
Additionally, there are opportunities for involvement in small construction projects to improve infrastructure, medical clinics to provide much-needed healthcare, and Bible studies and VBS programs to nurture spiritual growth in children. The possibilities are endless, and we trust God to guide and gather the resources and talents needed to make your trip the most memorable and impactful experience possible.
So, if you’re wondering what you can do in Romania, the answer is simple: Whatever God calls you to do. With His strength and guidance, you can do all things through Christ who strengthens you